Easter 2018 Sermon Evaluation: the Beginning
This sermon evaluation will be of the 2018 Easter Sermon at Church of the Highlands presented by Chris. Before we get into the specifics I think it's important that we understand why the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus was, and still is, so vitally important. "By His life, He wrought a perfect righteousness which fulfilled God's law in full; by His death, He made a perfect atonement for sin, satisfying God's holy justice and wrath which demanded sin's punishment; and by His resurrection from the dead, He proved the truth of who He is as God incarnate, and that the salvation He came to bring was accomplished for every sinner whom the Father gave Him to save (Matt. 1:21; 5:17-18; John 6:37,39; Rom.2:21-28; 5:1-11; 2 Cor.5:21)."¹ The Gospel: First, the bad news... Since the fall of the Adam all men have been born sinners. Adam's sin was imputed to us, his descendants. The Bible states that we are by nature sinners, "for all have sinned a...